Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 28-30: Jun 26-28th

Jing Chen writes:

For the past two weeks, I had been living at Nicole’s place and a temporary life of stability. Nicole, a generous lady who has offered to host each of the interns two weeks in her sweet house this summer, has a super cute dog Ollie. Not only can we get off the boat for a while and enjoy a stable life, but also can we enjoy the company of Ollie. He was so well trained that it was easy for me, who had never owned or lived with a dog, to take care of him. He never gave me any hard time. Well, actually yes. He stole food! He was so clever in finding food, it was difficult to keep things away from him. He has stolen my bagel, ate my Tofu (dogs eat Tofu too, apparently.) and tasted a leftover fish dish place high above the shelf! When we ate popcorns at movie nights, he would quietly lie there and stare at us with his pitiful eyes. His gaze would follow the popcorn from the bowl to our hands then mouth. Occasionally he would stand up to sniff the caramel popcorns (yes, we made caramel and pop the corns ourselves!) but he never made any noises. Ollie is so adorable that I miss him a lot. No wonder Nichole would send a postcard to Ollie when she was away. Ollie is just too cute to be forgotten.

Here is a photo of Ollie.

Isn't he cute? ><

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