Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 19: June 17

Genea Foster writes:

Today at work I finally got through all of the research papers laying on my desktop only to download 5 more. There is not as much research done on entanglement than on ingestion of plastics. It is also difficult to analyze where the animals got entangled, similar to the problem of trying to source plastic pollution. But I am gearing up to start proposing which animals are most at risk and where we should focus our extraction efforts. I'm anxious to tow so we could see what are the most prevelant types of plastics found in the bay.

Outside of work, all of the interns (except for Pin because she had an Ultimate Frisbee Game) and Lorraine went to see the talk between Raj Patel, author of The Value of Nothing and Stuffed and Starved, and Annie Leonard called The Value of Stuff. They confirmed my belief that it is not only our individual actions that need to change but also the structure of the system. We all need to get in touch with our inner radical activist and start a change!

Check their videos out:

The Story of Stuff:

The Story of Bottles Water:

The Story of Cap & Trade:

And Raj Patel's YouTube video:

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